By Anonymous - 25/12/2009 07:09 - United States

Today, I was making out with my girlfriend. Things got a little hot and I started to pull up my shirt. She screamed and told me to stop because the innocence of her stuffed animals was at stake. We are 18, and she was dead serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 594
You deserved it 4 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm assuming you guys are lesbians? I can't check the gender on FML Mobile, but it seems like it wouldn't matter if a guy took off his shirt. But chicks have boobs. On the other hand, that would be a pretty bad FML if OP is a guy

cookies7504 0


I'm assuming you guys are lesbians? I can't check the gender on FML Mobile, but it seems like it wouldn't matter if a guy took off his shirt. But chicks have boobs. On the other hand, that would be a pretty bad FML if OP is a guy

Sunnytweet79 0
23lf 16

Breasts are more sexually exciting

lilmszssy 0

haha yu have qreat taste in qirls

Heh, I said 'guys' when referring to lesbians xD

sayingallineed 0

priceless i guess she's a keeper ;P

lolhailsatan 23

oh my god the comments on this entire FML are just a disaster