By for the whored - 18/12/2015 20:46 - United States - Corpus Christi

Today, I was listening to music on my phone and reading posts on here. I laughed hysterically at one, then noticed my parents shooting me outraged looks. Turned out I laughed while a news reporter was talking about a brutal rape that just happened in our city. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 129
You deserved it 3 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tarlax 11

At least you didn't shout "You deserved it, bitch." at some dumbass OP like I sometimes do.

That's why I only read FML in the darkest corners of my room. No one can judge me there.


That's why I only read FML in the darkest corners of my room. No one can judge me there.

Where the missing socks from the dryer live...

I mainly read fml on the loo so no one hears me

tarlax 11

At least you didn't shout "You deserved it, bitch." at some dumbass OP like I sometimes do.

Just explain., you didn't do it on purpose. They should understand.

It's not like you meant to. Besides you had your headphones in. It's not like you could control what was on the tv at the exact time you laughed.

That makes me wonder which post it was.

This isn't that bad though, I mean if you explain it I'm sure they'll understand. And even if you doesn't it isn't that big of a deal.

Well, that would go for 90% of the fml's... just explain yourself... The whole point to it was at that very moment op had a legit reason to say fml. :)

Mathalamus 24

So your parents never once noticed that you are on your phone?