Hot and bothered

By lukey101 - 27/07/2020 14:27

Today, I was running a minute late for a big meeting that I'd organised. I got so hot from running up a flight of stairs that I couldn’t pass the Covid temperature screening requirement, and had to sit down for 10 minutes to cool off. By the time I was cool enough, everyone had already left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 787
You deserved it 552

lukey101 tells us more.

Wow! Just to fill you in, it was the first time in 15+ years of professional employment that I have been late to anything, no less a meeting that I had arranged. It was a Skype meeting which needed no set-up, and my prep work had already been done. I always set aside a few minutes for people who join slightly late, so it wouldn't have been a problem if I didn't run causing me to be over temperature. Clearly you have missed the main point of my post; but thank you for the un-warranted personal attack and unsolicited advice nevertheless! I truly hope you don't speak to people like this in real life.

Top comments

Only am idiot would organize an important meeting and not be there before everyone else - Not just on time, but early. There are always things to set up and organize. If you are prone to doing this then you either consider yourself much more important than anyone else invited or you are chronically unable to organize.

Don't worry, you'll never be cool enough to get in that meeting.


Don't worry, you'll never be cool enough to get in that meeting.

Only am idiot would organize an important meeting and not be there before everyone else - Not just on time, but early. There are always things to set up and organize. If you are prone to doing this then you either consider yourself much more important than anyone else invited or you are chronically unable to organize.

Wow! Just to fill you in, it was the first time in 15+ years of professional employment that I have been late to anything, no less a meeting that I had arranged. It was a Skype meeting which needed no set-up, and my prep work had already been done. I always set aside a few minutes for people who join slightly late, so it wouldn't have been a problem if I didn't run causing me to be over temperature. Clearly you have missed the main point of my post; but thank you for the un-warranted personal attack and unsolicited advice nevertheless! I truly hope you don't speak to people like this in real life.

genuinegoodguy 9

The big meeting lasted less than 10 minutes?

When the presenter doesn't show up? Yes, you're lucky to get busy people to wait 5 minutes if you aren't there to start your own meeting.

bloopaloop 27

If you’re early you’re on time, if you’re on time you’re late, if you’re late you’re dead.

leximichelle 13

If it was a Skype meeting, why did you need to pass a temperature screening? Also, why were you running so hard if you were only a minute late?

“only a minute late” is gonna be the reason you lose a job one day lol