By Anonymous - 19/10/2018 14:00

Today, I was in the middle of a wank when my home's back door, which is always locked, suddenly opened and someone walked in. I’m not sure who was more surprised: me or the new maintenance guy who saw me wanking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 333
You deserved it 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why was the maintenance guy just walking into your place unannounced?

Your back door was violated while you were wanking? That sounds unpleasant.


Your back door was violated while you were wanking? That sounds unpleasant.

The worst part was when OPs dad got so mad and jumped downt the guy's throat

And by sheer coincidence, "How Deep Is Your Love?" was playing on the radio at the time.

why was the maintenance guy just walking into your place unannounced?

Probably you. Maintenance guys see shit like that all the time.

If the maintenance guy came in without knocking or announcing themselves then it’s really an FML. If you were too involved in your “wank” to hear the knock and announcement that he was coming in then YDI.

This right here. This is why you should always knock.

Did you call in a service request for lube for your door hinges?

PenguinPal3017 19

My friend lives in an apartment and had to eventually get her locks changed because "maintenance" people kept coming in without notice. They would go through her stuff and even leave her refrigerator door open.