By Cynical - 30/03/2009 03:49 - United States

Today, I was in my room with the door locked and my mom knocked on the door. I said "don't come in, i'm naked!" She said "That's okay!" so she unlocked the door and walked in. I was masturbating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 166
You deserved it 37 092

Same thing different taste


King_of_Kings 3

#8 yo Jimboom, what is up? i thought about saying that, but didnt.

King_of_Kings 3

get an inside lock. slide lock, hasp lock, etc.

I'm sorry but... How old are you since your mom can just enter your room? Neither your words nor the lock did stop her. So just get the lock that locks. Really does. Or just move out if you are over 18 or 20 :)

Yo Kings, Fair enough. give the OP some abuse anyway. He deserves it for not speaking up or having a lock that actually locks people out.

Most locks on indoor doors are very easy to unlock, a body pin in the case of the ones with holes works in a matter of seconds for the least experienced hacker and many simply have slots that you can easily put a coin into and turn, or even a finger nail for that matter. My door is the latter kind and my sister takes advantage of that fact on a regular basis, my bathroom is of the former and I've had to unlock kids who have locked themselves in and not been able to open the door (it's a tricky handle) several times with no problems. Just thought I'd point that out. In regard to the OP, that's just awkward. Also I hate that parents don't realize that while they may not mind seeing you naked, YOU may mind being seen by them.

WTF is that bullshit??? gotta establish some rules with that bitch

King_of_Kings 3

#14 yo Jimboom well, i cant get too abusive. last time i went off, i got the boot for 7 days. but yeah, the OP should have made sure that no one else had the key to his/her room. this is why i have a coded lock on my door. got it at Home Depot

GloomySkyz 0

Did she go hulk mode and smash through your locked door or something?

lol my mom does the same thing. She'll knock on the door and then immediately open it. Like, what's the point of knocking? If I've just gotten out of the shower, I have to frantically yell DONT COME IN and run into the corner so she doesn't see me ass naked. I've lived on my own for 3 years, but she still does this crap when I come home for a visit. Fail.

stephhrunsaway 21

My mom doesn't even knock whenever I visit home! When I confronted her about it, she said bitchily,"This is MY house, MY rules. You have no right to privacy." Actual words. I'm 21, too.