By Username - 23/12/2010 14:48 - Canada

Today, I was in a store with my dad. He completely lost his temper and began yelling at the store owners. For some reason, he then removed his shirt in protest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 435
You deserved it 3 022

Same thing different taste


djmigues 7

He was just trying to say it with his chest.

maybe he's like Gibby from iCarly ahahahaha

Brittany0989 0

Sounds like that guy from the Greatest Freak Outs Ever haha.

OP's dad: don't quit your dayjob. OP: disown him.

His role models in the WWE all get half naked before fights. I'm sure he was just waiting for an announcer, pyrotechnics, and his theme song to start.

Is he a monkey, or George of the Jungle? As far as I know thoes are the only things that rip off shirts. ;D

Maybe it was because he was in an adult video store, and they didn't have "Thirsty Black Sl*ts" in stock for him. That would have made me mad, too. Oh, I'm just kidding. Let's just hope your Dad didn't have moobs.

Lol you make hulk angry. You wont like when hulk when he angry.

Damn i didnt mean to make him sound that illiterate. Sorry