Volcanic eruption

By Anonymous - 10/01/2020 18:00

Today, while getting a lump in my private region examined by a very cute nurse, I got a massive erection. The smartest thing I could think to say at the time to her was: "I haven't been touched there in a very long time." FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 351
You deserved it 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments


At least it was a massive erection instead of a teeny tiny one....

Originally posted by Anonymous on July 23, 2010 from the United Kingdom.


What you said didn't really matter. If it was indeed "massive," she'd be either turned on, frightened or creeped out.


At least it was a massive erection instead of a teeny tiny one....

Originally posted by Anonymous on July 23, 2010 from the United Kingdom.

Kristoffer 35

No need to feel awkward. Nurses know that such examinations can cause spontaneous erections.

julfunky 29

What I came to say. Unless she’s brand new this definitely wasn’t her first patient erection and it won’t be her last.

bloopaloop 27

Don’t worry, that’s not creepy at all

"I have a boyfriend... Also, I'm just performing an examination."

J15237 25

I am sure that your nurse was prepared. Its okay and its a natural thing. What would have been cool if she played along and maybe touched you or something, but that type of shit probably only happens in movies.