By Username - 23/12/2010 14:48 - Canada

Today, I was in a store with my dad. He completely lost his temper and began yelling at the store owners. For some reason, he then removed his shirt in protest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 435
You deserved it 3 022

Same thing different taste


"G" means "Gangsta" and is regularly used as both a noun and adjective. So technically, both forms are correct. However- IT'S SLANG. WHO GIVES A CRAP?

Your dad is an idiot. Don't be like him.

JosieBongs 0

HAHAHA that would be great to see.

randy18 0

tooooo funny. this is cracking me up big time. I wonder what the rest of the customers thought of that!!! lmbo

weirdo1253 0

wow I would love to have a dad like that........ do you know how many comments you can make to the people walking by?

ShealaBoBayla 0
L1v3_L0v3_Lau9h 18

FYL... this sounds like something my dad would do ahaha

hateevryone 14

what the hell was the yelling about?