By Username - 23/12/2010 14:48 - Canada

Today, I was in a store with my dad. He completely lost his temper and began yelling at the store owners. For some reason, he then removed his shirt in protest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 435
You deserved it 3 022

Same thing different taste


don't argue with a man with his top off! but I would just leave..

walk out slowly and hope no one noticed you lol

wow this sounds like my dad XD he threatened the 6ft + body builder type security guard because he wanted a free bag instead of paying 20p for some heavy duty ones

Why the hell would you deserve this none of this was your fault

missbadluk 0

Some men NEVER grow up. Quite sad actually...

minamail25 7

For some reason, I visualized this FML with Peter & Chris Griffin. The removal of the shirt was a total Peter move.