By owwwww - 19/07/2012 20:05 - United States - Piscataway

Today, I was having a really vivid dream in which I had to take a penalty kick to win the World Cup for the USA. I took the kick, but in reality, I smashed my foot against my bedroom wall and broke four of my toes. I also missed the kick in my dream. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 796
You deserved it 3 551

Same thing different taste


Error504 6

Seems like you would have woke before the ball ever reached the goal..

I think he meant he missed the ball... I could be wrong though

Eh, it's not like the USA would get anywhere near the group stage, but still...

linkinpark98 23

Really? Oh my gosh, I never would have guessed! -_-

Wow don't tell ppl that story when they ask how it happened

matthew3 2

USA winning the FIFA world cup? Definitely a dream.

That's a bigger injury than most soccer/futbol players.

bigdonnie624 15

I know a lot of soccer players that get hurt. If you land the wrong way when someone slide tackles you, you can break your ankle and so on

matthew3 2

56 - You clearly know a lot about soccer.

It's so easy to share here. I am wondering how you are going to tell your colleagues tomorrow when you go to work about broken toes.

are you gay? who dreams about soccer?

mrnuleef 7

Well... Since noone's done it yet... GOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAL!!!!!