Let people believe what they believe

By Anonymous - 01/01/2023 15:00

Today, my wife and I finally got in touch with a therapist to deal with the fact that our daughter resolutely believes in Santa, despite being told by everyone and by common sense that he is made up. Before you make mad comments, be aware she is 17 and has no mental disorders we are aware of. FML
I agree, your life sucks 910
You deserved it 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's harmless. It's not like she believes in QAnon. That's mental illness.

well, other people believe in god, do you take _them_ to the therapist? (hint: the world would be better if the answer is "yes")


So what. She wants to believe. If it is not hurting her, let it go

That's harmless. It's not like she believes in QAnon. That's mental illness.

well, other people believe in god, do you take _them_ to the therapist? (hint: the world would be better if the answer is "yes")

giffinator6 5

are you sure she isn't just messing with you?

I'm fairly convinced she's ******* with you.

Probably related to trauma, therapy will be good. Don't stress she won't believe forever.

I assume daughter’s logic is that as long as she professes to believe in Santa she will get gifts from Santa. The solution is quite simple and should have been done long before now - No more unwrapped “Santa Gifts” on Christmas morning. Instead place your Christmas gifts under the tree labeled to her from you… When I was 6 or so my Mom asked me if I believed in Santa Claus and read me the “Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus” essay. I told mom essentially that yes I knew, but I wasn’t sure she knew that I knew, so I went through the motions. Mom slightly misunderstood my intentions and thought I meant I wasn’t sure if she knew there wasn’t a Santa Claus which is now one of her favorite stories. I let her keep that version since she enjoys it so… I have a cousin who insisted that since Santa brought him presents, Mom and Dad needed to buy him presents too. He became a minister by the way. Maybe a lawyer might have been another option for him… Unless there is something wrong with daughter’s mental development, she actually knows the truth about Santa Claus, she just doesn’t want the gravy train to end… The whole Santa Claus myth is just a fun story for little kids with real presents at the end. It lets parents enjoy playing Santa if they like that. Of course TV and retailers love the business it brings them so the TV is full of the Santa myth.

mccuish 25

There is nothing wrong with an adult believing in Santa

Don't waste money on a therapist.....she'll be alright.....eventually

she still wants to believe, let her! what harm is she bringing to anyone