By JimmyJazzNJ - 12/04/2009 02:51 - United States

Today, I was giving a tour on campus when one of my friends approached us and said "Don't go here, the weed's too expensive." and walked away. Thinking he's coming back to say he's joking, he instead says "Just kidding, its really cheap." and walked away. I may or may not still have a job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 837
You deserved it 5 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SpunkT 0

Yeah why would you be responsible for having an idiot friend? Also you could have just said something to the effect of "Don't mind him, he's an idiot" and pretend he's not your friend. And then later tell him not to bother you when you're working cause it's really rude.

I do stupid things like this all the time to my friends. You need to lighten up and relax about it.


Vinatierri 0

Ahahahahahah! Just ask yourself if you'd rather have a lame-ass campus job or an awesome friend like that! :D ~fffiiiiiirrrrrssssssssssstttttttttt~ I go to college in the flatlands (transferring to a city-school in the fall) and it's pretty schwaggy here...

I do stupid things like this all the time to my friends. You need to lighten up and relax about it.

mashnikandporter 0

not to sound creepy or anything... even though I do.... you are attractive.

This isn't the place for shameless flirting. GTFO

Vinatierri 0

Totally joking about the schwag thing, I wouldn't know.

SpunkT 0

Yeah why would you be responsible for having an idiot friend? Also you could have just said something to the effect of "Don't mind him, he's an idiot" and pretend he's not your friend. And then later tell him not to bother you when you're working cause it's really rude.

crowdish 0

If you get fired for that, you wouldn't want to work there anyway. College kids are often dumbasses, the campus administration should know that.

Shock98 0

Hahahahaha.... your friend is awesome. And what everyone else said - I doubt they'll blame you.

hootersgirl09 0
youswallow 2

lmfao i just got it, like 5 minutes later >

I agree about how no one would be blaming you for that. People on my campus always go out of their way to harass tours whether they know whose giving them or not. would they fire you if it had been a total stranger? if so look into transferring now, because god only knows what kind of bullshit you'll find yourself in later if that's how they run.

This would only be FML worthy if that friend said 'don't buy his weed, its to expensive'. Now its just some guy saying something that isnt related to you or your job in any way.