By imamess - 15/09/2014 21:37 - United States - Rockville

Today, I was going to put some Italian dressing on my salad when I noticed that the oil and vinegar weren't mixed. After putting the cap back on, I shook as hard as I could. The cap came flying off and I showered myself in the dressing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 943
You deserved it 9 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

countryb_cth 38

Instead of shaking as hard as you could, you should have put that strength into tightening the cap lol.

it's not the first thing you showered yourself in after shaking it hard.


That's a good way to get "dressed" in the morning!

noynek97 10

Did you at least do some sort of sexy dance to make it look like you were just really horny?

If you shake it more than twice you are playing with it.

I did that once with ketchup. It looked like I'd murdered someone in the middle of the Waffle House.

There's a sexual joke somewhere but I don't want to sink that low.

Klima_fml 29

Always make sure the cap is on, I learned that the hard way with golden Italian. :D

I guess you can say you DRESSED UP for that occasion.