By Watchingmyfigure - 06/12/2016 17:55 - United States - Gainesville

Today, I was so hungry and broke that I resorted to drinking salad dressing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 976
You deserved it 1 240

Same thing different taste

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I'm sorry OP :( there are quite a few foods you can get for right around a dollar. Beans, oats, tuna, bananas, rice, pasta are all great options, some of which still offer some nutrition. Best of luck, and I hope times get better for you soon.

When the zombie apocalypse comes, you'll be the "vegan" option available to the undead. One zombie will ask another, "how the **** can you still consider yourself vegan AND eat human brains?" to which the second will reply, "it's all about secondly and tertiary consumers, dude."


I'm sorry OP :( there are quite a few foods you can get for right around a dollar. Beans, oats, tuna, bananas, rice, pasta are all great options, some of which still offer some nutrition. Best of luck, and I hope times get better for you soon.

There must be some food pantries or soup kitchens you can eat at. They're usually 1 or 2 in every town or city. Good luck

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So sorry to hear that OP! Is there a dollar tree or 99 cent store nearby? For just a few bucks in there you can make a meal that's filling and and healthy. Best of luck to you!

I believe your definition of healthy differs slightly from the one most of us use. That crap from 99¢ stores may actually be worse than the dressing given the ungodly amount of chemicals and preservatives found in most cheap foods. Even vegetables sold in those stores are often the lowest possible quality and devoid of nutrients. Filling and capable of providing much needed calories, yes. Healthy not so much. I don't expect the OP to go without, but do yourself a favor and at least shoot for a major grocery store brand, it's (slightly) less likely to lead to your early demise

While you are saying to go for major grocery chains, I believe you are missing the point of being broke. Some stores that are cheaper or discount grocery stores offer local produce instead of imported, grown in a hot house. a discount store would provide the options for beans, canned veggies, bread, milk, etc.. Not everyone can afford to shop at Safeway, Kroger, or the sort. OP can still make good choices for a lot less money.

Agreed. Plus salad dressing, depending on the kind can be really bad for you in large quantities. Some might not be too bad, but something like ranch? Actually horrible for you. Dollar stores can mean a wide variety of things from pre-packaged foodstuffs that isn't "good" for you but will fill you and give you calories, to basics like rice and clean water, and depending on the dollar store it might even have fresh vegetables or fruit like some apples or bananas, fruit that doesnt go bad really quickly. They might not be organic perfectly cultivated for your health and enjoyment but even the cheapest apple is still an apple. Oh and if anyone wants to know one thing that will always been identical between stores and brands? Bananas. They are all genetic clones of one another and therefore cannot possibly be different.

When the zombie apocalypse comes, you'll be the "vegan" option available to the undead. One zombie will ask another, "how the **** can you still consider yourself vegan AND eat human brains?" to which the second will reply, "it's all about secondly and tertiary consumers, dude."

Been there, just remember it does get better! Ramen can go a long way. Also check out the churches around you they always have free food pantries, don't be embarrassed to ask for help.

Not gonna lie, I've made myself some pretty satisfying dinners by just adding sliced vegetables and additional spices to regular instant ramen.

Ramen is the shit. Base for a soup or boil the noodles and rain the water before adding seasonings and sautéed vegetable for pasta. Ramen should be a staple.

I'm sorry OP, I've been in your position. It's awful but it does get better. You just have to keep your head up and keep looking forward. Wishing you the best of luck OP, better times are coming!

Look into food banks and as around at churches and see if they have any resources for those in need who aren't members of the church. Most food banks have a limit on how many times a year you can visit, but they give a bunch of canned and dried goods, and some get close to being past sell by date food from bakeries that you can freeze.

If youre that poor, why don't you apply for help from the government?

not everyone qualifies just because they are poor. OP could have a job that makes too much annually to be able to qualify for government aid. being poor doesn't automatically mean you qualify for food stamps or anything of the like.

Rice and bananas. And try a local food pantry. They will usually stock you up with enough for a month.