
By popeye - 25/02/2010 15:18 - United States

Today, I was trying to take the cap off a can of spray cooking oil. It was really stuck so I pulled extra hard. It flew off and I punched myself in the head. I also sprayed myself in the eye with it. The lump on my forehead and my swollen shut eye make me look like Popeye, but I'm a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 106
You deserved it 5 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You should have just used Olive Oyl! What were you cooking, swee' peas? Agig-agig-agig!

you should get revenge on the can of oil, find its mother, and blast her with the shot gun that you have. that'll teach the can of cooking oil not to be pissy


OP I have serious doubts that you should be near any open flames or hot objects. Maybe just have a sandwich.

Fake? A lot of these FMLs are fake but this one seems more real then a lot of them.

are you strong to the finish, 'cause you eats yer spinnich?

Drew_V 0

ydi for having a spraying can top being stronger than you lol just kidding fyl

tweetbaby14 18

so you have a huge chin and giant hairy arms too well alls you need now is a pipe and olive oyl. ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh( popeye laugh)

maybe there's a reason men open things...

why would aboy want to look like popeye

Ultimate_Cynic 0

@#51: Because Popeye is so epically manly and badass that he makes Sean Connery look like Adam Lambert. @OP: Maybe this won't happen next time if y'eats ya spinachk. *Popeye laugh*

You could say that's what she said through this whole FML

i guess she is blond muhahahha well if it is true, this stiuation is very normal...

u should get a tattoo on your forearm to match.

Asstazztic 8

Hey guess wat? I just randomly logged on while taking a break at school and got 1st for the 1st time :P LOL

Enoch134 0

you realize most of these people have no clue what you mean but i say good job

♪ I sure know your style, As a sick pedophile. You're Popeye the Sailor-man! (toot-toot!) ♪

Perdix FTW! I never get tired of saying that.

Mads_1234 28

Three things, #6. 1. No one cares. 2. You are #6, not #1. 3. *What

perdix 29

You should have just used Olive Oyl! What were you cooking, swee' peas? Agig-agig-agig!

eat_this_buddie 5

that sucks. I've had the top fly off and hit me in the head but nothing as severe as this. be careful next time

cathy1397 0

Wow.That's really sad. Could've been worse though. The cap could have hit you in the eye and have blinded you. Imagine trying to explain that.

you should get revenge on the can of oil, find its mother, and blast her with the shot gun that you have. that'll teach the can of cooking oil not to be pissy