By TheBRADLeyB - 16/04/2009 18:52 - United States

Today, I was going 73 in a 55 on a country road when an oncoming cop passed me. He pulled a U turn. I turned off the main road and took random turns. I got lost, was 30 minutes late to work, and the cop still found me and gave me two tickets. I had to ask him for directions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 559
You deserved it 96 789

Same thing different taste

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castnerinho 0

thats what you get for not just pulling over and accepting the ONE ticket you wouldve got


Never EVER try to outrun a cop, I have once, big mistake, they always find you....but hey we all do it once. I hate cops,they ******* irritate me, they create useless situations like this, you drive 18 over on some random road, not even endangering anyone and they follow you as if you're a criminal...oh and then take your hard earned money, in which they already take a massive amount of through taxes, most of them are assholes too.

#5, Yes they can. BUT I don't think this is real. Why? Because if someone sees a cop turn to follow them and they then EVADE the officer, then your "running" from him which would mean handcuffs. You wouldn't get "two tickets" because you tried to avoid being pulled over... you'd be told to get out of the car and lie facedown while the cop searched your car to try and find out WHY you were running from him.

74... how old are you? Im guessing either a male or a teen if you think speeding that fast isn't that big of a deal. You obviously don't live in LA county where there have recently been MULTIPLE deaths do tos peeding. And I dont mean the person driving. A ton of people have recently been HIT by drivers that were texting, speeding, drunk, etc. I can understand pulling 10 over. And I can even understand speeding. But if you get pulled over then that is YOUR FAULT, not the cops. You dont want to "give up your hard earned money" then don't speed. Its not the cops fault you drive like a jackass. They're just doing their job.

OH and no we don't ALL do it once. IDIOTS do it. Not Intelligent people. You run from the cop, you're evading the law, which gets you much more than a ticket. Idiot. Seriously.

73 in a 55 isn't even bad. In fact, driving on the Long Island Expressway every day in New York, thats the average speed of the road. Its a 55. Cop was a dick.

cops cannot legally follow you for after more than 3 turns unless you're being pursued, but they can't simply follow you around for several random turns, you should bring that up in court.

You fought the law, and the law WON.

#79 - so what is to say they weren't pursueing them? and where are you getting that information. Thats like people saying cops can't follow you for more than x amount of miles before pulling you over. Most of that is just rumored hearsay and bogus. AND I can assure you - if you brought a cop to court because he "followed you for too many turns" You'd STILL be the dumbass in trouble... For evading a police officer. Bottom line - if a cop is trying to pull you over... and you dont... no matter how many times you "TURN" they'll more likely than not consider it evading and it WILL be come a pursuit.

#74, its not evading an officer unless he has his lights on and is about to pull you over. duh.

78 - no.. 18 miles an hour OVER a speedlimit is a lot. And you can't use NY as a basis for driving. You guys have been voted the second worse drivers in the nation for how many years? Based on road rage, aggression, speeding, etc. If it were 5-10 over that would be no big... 15 is speeding... anything after that is insane. And its different in each state, but I would start driving slower if I were you. The law permits a 15 day jail sentence for 11 MPH over the speed limit in the state of NY.