By StewPit - 16/04/2009 19:44 - United States

Today, I was eating some left over Easter peanut MandMs at work, when I exclaimed "oh cool, they have E's on them for Easter". It took me a couple of minutes, but I eventually realized that I was looking at a regular MandM sideways. Definitely explains my coworkers' uncontrollable laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 257
You deserved it 75 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kellster 2

Sometimes they're Ws, too! It's like magic!


pwnrzero 0

did u no that if m and m's are dissolved in water, (facing up) the m floats to the surface its amazing! try it p.s. YDI

cameron_natasha 0

I tried it. it actualy works xD

No, see, it's not an M... It's a W. For WTF.

Teddygirl 0
RkR_fml 0

i feel stupid for asking, but i'm new to this. what does "YD" mean?

its actually YDI which means you deserve it.

scotty1234 0

While we are all explaining things, what does OP stand for? I no its the person who wrote the FML but what are the letters?

@140-146 spam much lol and dont worry we all been there some guys are jerks its ok bro

llamingo 8

YD stands for young dickcheese

kellster 2

Sometimes they're Ws, too! It's like magic!

c_a_r_o_l_i_n_e_ 0

wait, for real #1? like, the actual little tiny "m" doesnt dissolve? i dont get it ...and ydi

It does, just not that quickly, so when you dissolve it in water the "m" will still be there initially.

noName123456 0

I thought this was going to say they were ecstasy tablets, ahahaha

I thought this was going to say they were ecstasy tablets, ahaha.

rakhil11 7

sounds like something i would do ^^ and laugh about and turn it around so my random slowness made my day...