Awkward conversation ahead

By Anonymous - 19/12/2021 23:01

Today, for the last two years of trying for a baby, my wife has been secretly still on the pill and takes a morning after pill every time we had sex. Funny, I thought we both wanted a baby, so I guess she doesn’t. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 770
You deserved it 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Glitterbaby2613 20

did she want one too or was it mostly you. when a couple has a child both must be in agreement not just one. if she's not ready for kids you should respect that. having children is a serious thing. gotta mentally prepared and phisically prepared

On the plus side, she does like to ****!


randybryant799 20

I thought the morning after pill was prescription only.

Not necessarily. Most places have an over the counter option that you can even buy ahead of time. Generally it’s only if you’re 16 and under or in a crazy conservative area you’ll need a prescription.

On the plus side, she does like to ****!

Depends... if they try to get her pregnant, they only have to do it roughly a week per month.

Glitterbaby2613 20

did she want one too or was it mostly you. when a couple has a child both must be in agreement not just one. if she's not ready for kids you should respect that. having children is a serious thing. gotta mentally prepared and phisically prepared

Of course he should respect that....but she should have respected his desire to have a kid and not been lying about trying what kind of psycho bullshit do you have to go through to make this HIS fault you sexist **** lol

ayaaya 16

How is it sexist? There must have been a clear reason why she doesn’t want a baby, and it is her choice as she is the one who’d have to carry it. Don’t make this into a ‘sexist against men’ thing.

most new parents or people that want to be a potential parent don't realize there are at least six aspects of life you must be fully prepared for. #1 you must be mentally capable, #2 you need to be physically able, #3 you must be financially prepared both responsibly and have a surplus, #4 must be morally prepared and know how to instill good morals, # 5 you need to be spiritually prepared as well, #6 and probably the most important is the environment that you live in and the environment the child will be exposed to such as family, the area you live in etc. and these are just the bare minimals you also need to learn basic first aid, CPR and behavioral traits of children.

To everyone justifying this: divorce that woman, and do it now. She has been lying for 2 years about something as important as wanting kids, setting him up for repeated disappointment. If she doesn’t want a kid and is lying to him like this for so long, it’s a breach of trust just shy of the level of outright cheating. She can not want kids, but lying to her husband for 2 years isn’t right. If he leaves because he wants kids and she doesn’t then they weren’t compatible. If there is some underlying problem that she can’t feel safe discussing something like this, then she needs to divorce him, but shy of some major therapy, forgiveness and changes this marriage is over whether or not they admit it yet.

kitten79TX 5

Wow. This level of deceit is a huge red flag.

It's easy to complain when you're not the one who has to carry and give birth to it. Adopt or foster.