Conspiracies claim another victim

By Anonymous - 21/11/2020 11:02

Today, after learning that "phones are tracking you" and that "Google is spying on you" from some shady website, my son destroyed all our phones and computers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 974
You deserved it 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, he’s not wrong that his phone is tracking him and google is definitely spying on more people than the CIA, NSA and FSB combined. Still, that’s no reason to destroy those things. We’ve already sold our souls to our technology.

He's not wrong, he's just stupid. Not to be rude or anything. I'd recommend teaching him the scientific method of fact checking oh and tell him that they won't snitch about ****.


Well, he’s not wrong that his phone is tracking him and google is definitely spying on more people than the CIA, NSA and FSB combined. Still, that’s no reason to destroy those things. We’ve already sold our souls to our technology.

This information is 100% correct. But the reaction is kind of over the board. It's not like they are trying to kill us, only benefit from us and hurting us would prevent that

Good thing you didn't tell him about the computers in our cars and TVs.

He's not wrong, he's just stupid. Not to be rude or anything. I'd recommend teaching him the scientific method of fact checking oh and tell him that they won't snitch about ****.

(1) OP, your son is an idiot to destroy things that are not his. (2) He must be into some really nasty **** that he reacted this way. (3) There have to be consequences - He must make an attempt toward restitution. And password protect all replacements and make sure idiot son never gets the password.

sarahcroy20 12

I'm wondering how old he is and maybe he needs some help?

Warp1978 15

Ha wait until he learns about the Internet of things.

just tell him to google 15 random things every day. the more pointless information he puts out there the harder he is to track. it isn't easy trying to stalk someone's web use when half of it isn't even related to anything about them... so I've heard... from friends.