By epicc1584 - 30/07/2009 12:32 - United States

Today, I was downtown with my boyfriend around Noon when we walked past a few guys who shouted out to me "You're the most beautiful girl we've seen all day". My boyfriend's response was "It's still early." FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 161
You deserved it 4 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

simplyn2deep 2

nice compliments from the guys. sucks you have a jerk for a boyfriend. I would have replied back that they were the hottest guys I'd seen in a long time.


agreed. YDI for being an ugly piece of shit

Agree with 10. Jesus, what the hell is with all these extremely sensitive girls? It's called a joke, with him trying to shrug off his jealousy, goddamn.

halflife3isreal 0
seb12992 0

Are you stupid or something? P.S. Jackass crew should pick all the FMLs for now on. The FMLs they picked are hilarious!

yeahsurre 0
sugar_bear 0

I agree with 32, about the jackass crew part.

simplyn2deep 2

nice compliments from the guys. sucks you have a jerk for a boyfriend. I would have replied back that they were the hottest guys I'd seen in a long time.

Oooh take simplyn2deep's advice. Then dump him. Then he'll see how funny his little joke is.

exactly. just dump him for one of them. I would have broken up with him and exchanged numbers with the others on the spot have a lot to learn about sarcasm if you'd do that..

lol surprised they used beautiful instead of hot. this isn't an FML

your bf just has a sense of that's funny. i don't think he was trying to be a jerk but who knows

cima3695 0
lmmmr 0

Aww, little boy still believes in cooties.

MissBoo101 0

yes, yes we do. you should be more appreciative of it.

Sketch_y 0

Err. She submitted this at 8:32 AM. They knew she was the ONLY girl they saw so far. Hurr hurr.

Different countries have different time zones. It could have been past lunch in Maryland when it was posted

maybe you missed the part where OP said "around noon"?

I've moderated MUCH better FMLs than this; this week, and they didn't make it to the front page

are they chocolate chip? If so, yes. But I don't like oatmeal or raisin.......or even better! - Make it white chocolate mmmmmmmmmm cookieeeee.

WTF! FML took out half of my comment to make me look like a total douche. -_-