By lonelyandbored - 31/05/2010 00:19 - United States

Today, I was dirty texting my boyfriend since we couldn't see each other this weekend. We were getting really into it when he said, "If only you were this good in real life." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 332
You deserved it 11 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

10 bucks says he was jerkin off while he said that

hahahahahha awwww that sucks, maybe it's because you are a bit more adventurous texting that real life, that's ok, just time for a bit of a change I think :) have some fun.


soccerlover1234 0

hahaa easy fix: just be that way in real life ! then fyl no more hahaa

sexting cyber and phone sex is all so much fun

lovin_my_marine 4

make the fantasy a reality OP :)