By Disconnected - 16/05/2017 12:00

Today, I found out that it is possible for someone else to cancel my Internet, TV and phone services in two days. However it'll take me 5 days, after 6 hours on the phone, to get it back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 420
You deserved it 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How is that possible? I can't even pay my own phone bill without a metaphorical DNA test. Seriously if someone calls up wanting to pay my bills just let them!

if your services are just in your name and no one elses, make a fuss about it and get some compensation like a discount or something


How is that possible? I can't even pay my own phone bill without a metaphorical DNA test. Seriously if someone calls up wanting to pay my bills just let them!

if your services are just in your name and no one elses, make a fuss about it and get some compensation like a discount or something

"We can be there tomorrow between 10AM and the Apocalypse." I can only assume an ended relationship caused this? Crafty bitches be ghetto. Eating carryout/delivery by candlelight brings me back to the rough days. Keep your head up and stay positive cause someone tried ruining your week. Don't let them succeed!

FireFly72 2

Just say that you want to cancel the internet, tv and phone of everyone on your street as it seems anybody can cancel anybody else's utilities. That usually sorts it.

who do you have that it takes 2 days to cancel and 5 to turn back on? I can get mine cancelled/ turned on in about 15 minutes.


Switch service providers for allowing this to happen or make em give you six months free, make it work out in your favor, make them feel like idiots which they are. Oh yeah GROW THE HELL UP.

I work for a phone company it happens all the time. You can ask to be given temporary mobile broadband in the mean time. But that's about it.