By bizzyizzy0121 - 21/11/2011 06:28 - United States

Today, I was called by a restricted number. The man on the phone then explained to me in detail what I was doing at every second that I was on the phone with him. I'm scared to leave my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 582
You deserved it 3 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

babyyninjas 1

he knows what you did last summer !


EmilieAutumn 7

I know his number! Its 1-800-CHOKEDATHOE

Well 230, give me your phone number, I'll work from there, and I'll see just how interesting YOUR life is!

fadingfaith 4

That's some scary shit. It could be someone you know messing with you. Hopefully that's the case, and it's not some sort of rapist or murder. Rapist usually follow around people and don't just attack spontaneously...

Call the cops, could of been someone you know too it's pretty easy to blink ur number before you dial

MustangFilly77 9

Call the police, they can pull up your phone records and find the number he used, then trace it ;)

Seriously, if be getting the f outta the damn house, maybe he in it