By sigh - 21/12/2011 12:39 - United States

Today, I was called a "whore," a "demon," a "piece of shit," and a "disrespectful bitch." All of this happened because I wouldn't let my mother-in-law borrow my car. This is a woman with multiple speeding tickets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 098
You deserved it 3 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you change the order of the letters in mother-in-law you get woman hitler

olpally 32

Sounds like she's the "*****, demon, piece of shit and disrespectful bitch" fyl op.. She doesn't deserve to borrow your car..


Mary1971 3

You will get used to it my mother has been telling anyone who will listen that about me for the last 2 1/2 years.

Hopefully your husband stood up to mommy in your behalf? If not I'd be sending him back home to live with her!

Poetaster 10

Tell her you forgive her words of anger and move on. Grace under fire is a powerful tool.

So...treat the mother-in-law like a dog that shit in the house....yeah, that will work. < /endsarcasm > I think making her feel like an ass by being the bigger person like Poetaster said would work better. But, I do agree that OP should talk to her husband about his mother's attitude.

Okay, this comment I agree with for some reason. I guess the first one you did didn't strike the right chord with, but I see where you are going. Respect is nearly a lost art these days...

And....due to the other posts being removed, the second post I made makes no ******* sense. LOL. Derp on, fmlers.

andrewsgirl2010 7

My mother in law has done this to me...just ignore her and laugh it off. Thats all you can do

crazyrunnergirl 7

I don't get how anyone can say you deserved this

cheer4ever96 8

what did your husband say about all of this?

I just love crack ******. Doesn't everyone else agree?

Chrispayne 4

Sounds like my someone feom my family

Three things you should never lend: your gun, your car and your woma(e)n.