By rebeccacaissie - 21/11/2010 18:16 - United States

Today, I was being a little playful with my boyfriend when we began wrestling. He then put me in a choking headlock and wouldn't let me out until I "tapped out". FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 594
You deserved it 8 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MfailK 0

winner by submission ur boyfriend!!! PWNED

sourgirl101 28

I agree with you, but they were just playing. It's just like being tickled until you say "mercy". It's the OP's fault that she's a sore loser.


lalagirl912 0

this happens to me everyday, but from my brother... lol

I'm just glad you decided to tap out instead of loose consciousness as that way you would have still lost for you to win you need to try and get a ko as your not as strong as him but you will have the speed advantage

you should have released the twins on him and see what he did then. if he still did/or do the chock hold then stop.

Illyssa_fml 4

Hahaha! I would've beat him like China. lol

Pb25797051 0

a kick in the balls? no the op is a sore loser, i would punch her if she kicked my "wenis"

lovin_my_marine 4

my boyfriend is a marine and does this to me all the time, but he showed me how to get out of it! OP he is giving u the option to tap out. this is not by any means an FML unless he has seriously harmed you.

sevans 0

ok so me and my gf wrestling all the time. w put each other in submission holds (playfully) and such. as long as it doesn't get serious it shouldn't be an issue.

165, there's a LOT more wrong with that person's sentences; if you're gonna dish out some corrections, go all the way! :D |the kid|