Run for the hills

By Glume - 10/12/2023 17:00 - Canada - Winnipeg

Today, my boyfriend and I got into a fight. We yelled for 20 minutes and then he put his hands on my neck. Once we'd calmed down, he explained he wanted to strangle me like Homer does Bart, but didn't follow through. This all started when I asked if he read a text I sent earlier in the day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 700
You deserved it 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to leave. You were seconds from severe injury, or even death.

he might not stop next time. or the time after that. and over absolutely nothing get out


Time to leave. You were seconds from severe injury, or even death.

he might not stop next time. or the time after that. and over absolutely nothing get out

dongdong xiang 10

He just admitted to not having qualms about hurting or even killing you. call the cops

SylvarLorali 4

LEAVE NOW YOU ARE IN DANGER. This is not funny. This is not something ya'lls will laugh about later. He told you this because he knew that if he actually began squeezing your neck, he would kill you but still wants to scare you anyway.

That's not something that will ever happen in a normal or healthy relationship. Don't try to save it. Get out now.

n3rdn3ss 8

Don't wait for something irreversible to happen! Take care of it, either by getting him treatment or leaving, but do NOT stay like that. This time he controlled himself, next time he might not!

run girl run, arguing does not mean it needs to get heated and ppl yelling, learn about healthy arguments

Normal, healthy relationships don't have someone threatening violence or pain.