By Kelly - 02/10/2011 04:53 - United States

Today, I was babysitting a young boy. I accidentally let a few words slip when I dropped something. He won't stop dropping the F bomb and his mother is coming to get him in the morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 200
You deserved it 38 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ohhh she's going to **** you up. Teaching a little kid words like that, how ******* dare you?

juturnaamo 29

Accidentally stub your toe. Say Grosh! Or something equally silly. Act stunned and say 'Please don't tell your mom I said Grosh! Im in so much Groshing trouble...'


Ohhh she's going to **** you up. Teaching a little kid words like that, how ******* dare you?

indielove 13

Well ****, I guess that means you won't be getting paid.

Jammy01jams 2

Omg stop saying the **** word!

Its not really that big of a deal, she won't care that muc it's not like you said it to him directly

What the **** is ******* wrong with saying **** all ******* day?

fuckity, shit, shit, **** and willy. Willy, shit and **** and... ****.

Just say that ur neighbor cut herself slicing bread or something creative like that, either that or wash his mouth out with soap...

1 I was going to thub up your comment but it had 69 thumbs so i couldnt break the chain. Also OP its you own damn fault

lolx7 5

guys.. come on saying **** is really getting on my ******* nerves so shut the **** up!

v3nomously 0 walks in. Aww ****!!

alexisssssssss 0
yamatelle 19

Oh, you're ******. Watch his mom come and he screams, "I doo-doo my pants! ****!" Pray that the dad curses also and she might blame it on him, like they always do.

"Mommy, you finally ******* came to take me home! Where the **** were you?"

perdix 29

Let him shit on the couch and then he'll calm the **** down.

perdix 29

Try it, you'll see. Also, look around and see if you can find a relevant reference. It's much easier than Where's Waldo.

Half my comment is missing, so I understand the thumbs down... :)

RedPillSucks 31

That's actually what I wanted to say 45 but it didn't post for some reason

denvan 0

A kids brain is like a sponge, you're ****** up the ass and all ways. No more babysitting for you

juturnaamo 29

Accidentally stub your toe. Say Grosh! Or something equally silly. Act stunned and say 'Please don't tell your mom I said Grosh! Im in so much Groshing trouble...'

True. Reverse psychology. It will work.;)

There's only one thing left to do, tie him to a chair, keep his eyes open and put on all kid show ep's about "swearing is bad". Once mommy gets home, pretend like nothing happened. Or else you **** fuckety ****** ****** ******...

Time it right, and as the mum comes home pretend to be teaching him how to say "truck". My sister had to be trained to say 'Lorry' instead.

Another great idea, as long as he doesn't already know the word Truck. Probably does.

NoNotTheFace 8

So how's my little baby doing today? Aww **** mommy I think I did a ******* dooty.

goobergirlie 5

Tv doesn't say ****. Not allowed. And any show that would comes on late night HBO ****, which he shouldn't be watching anyways.

yamatelle 19

16-TV doesn't say ****? You obviously haven't seen True Blood. Or Family Guy.

22 Usually the F word is censored on cable tv. True blood though is on showtime, I believe, so I don't think the F word is censored there.

goobergirlie 5

22- true blood is on Showtime, which is like HBO. And it's something that child shouldnt be watching.

goobergirlie 5

And last I checked when they play south park and family guy on cable they censor the f word. They wouldn't censor on the DVD, but on comedy central and tbs they would.

lifesuxalways12 0

True blood actually shows ppl ******* sooo.....

That wouldn't work cuz idk many parents that want there kid watching Southpark, family guy, or shows like that

ChrisTheCalm 9