By youshitme - 25/11/2009 14:45 - Australia

Today, I was at work, working on a new play. In the final dress rehearsal, I heard some of the crew laughing so I looked down at the very revealing costume to see that my left testicle was hanging out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 358
You deserved it 7 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Going on stage takes courage -- you're showing the audience that you've got ball.

whatthefuckcunt 0

you know what they say, "i used to think you were crazy..."


MermaidSongXOXO 6

FYL if it was female crew members laughing at you :] HAHA I can imagine you trying to act all cool at rehearsal, hearing the crew laughing, and then looking down at your left ******** "OHHH NOEZZZ! EPIC FAIL!"

baby_gurl2405 0

omg how the hell could u not realise something like that? YDI

Just remember that there's a difference between: "Show me you're nuts" and "Show me your nuts"

DuckyOfDoom 0

Show me your genitals, genitals, show me your genitals, your genitalia! fyl

Sorry to say dude, but thats total FML PWN'age! Lol

saucey12 1
sportsnut 0

you should get a leopard print man thong to keep that little bugger from running away again