By Anonymous - 30/06/2009 02:23 - United States

Today, I was at work lifeguarding and saw a kid drowning on the far end of the pool. I decided running would be the quickest way to get to her, but as I ran across the pool deck I slipped and hit my head. The kid's mother jumped in to save her child and then called an ambulance for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 044
You deserved it 13 967

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whatmarielsaid 0

LOL isn't there a rule there saying, "no running around the pool area"? or something along those lines. jeez.

lol least you tried, that's all matters.


all these people bringing up the "no running" rules are pissing me off. the rule is there to prevent people from running for no reason and possibly hurting themselves. there was clearly a good reason for the lifeguard to be running. i cant believe how ignorant some people are, as a lifeguard, even at a smaller pool, i still run to the victim if necessary, its faster and prevents the possibility of a more severe situation. although, if youre not a lifeguard, you probably dont understand that. the OP definitely did not "deserve this". to the OP- that sucks, that is one thing i always freak out about when im running to make a save, FYL for sure

simplewhimsy 0

lol, the lifeguards I know would have jumped in and swam over to prevent exactly this scenario. You're very lucky the mom didn't freak out and panic and instead took care of her own kid. It is one extra safety step that can prevent a tragedy from occurring. Still, it's just one of those life lessons for you, OP. Hope your head is okay.

that's why you just jump in. That's what you're there for.

I know I already commented on here. But I just wanna say to all the Lifeguards(not including #95 or those like him) who are saying it's not his fault 'cause he was just doing his job and that all us normal people are stupid for mentioning the "No Running" rule that well, lifeguard or not, you still are only human. And us humans tend to slip and fall on slick surfaces, especially when running. So no matter how important what you are doing is, if you trip people out there are going to condemn you for not listening to the law of nature entitled Friction. Also to the OP: Well atleast you did try, just be more careful next time.

The OP, as a lifeguard, should have jumped into the pool to rescue the kid, the "what if's" of that situation are too terrible to think of. It usually takes an average of 1 minute for a life guard to rescue someone. Getting of the stand to run over to the kid to pull the kid out takes extra time.

lastminuteperm 0

Can't you read the pool signs? No running.

piggy94 0

if you are a lifegaurd aren't you supposed to be a super awesome swimmer? your dumbass should probably have swam