It's a cult

By Anonymous - 25/01/2021 08:01 - United Kingdom - Leeds

Today, I found out via Facebook that my once-favourite aunt has fully bought into the QAnon bullshit about the "stolen" US election, bible quotes and all. We live in the UK. FML
I agree, your life sucks 958
You deserved it 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

Stupidity isn't limited to America.

The same reason so many Americans are obsessed with the British royal family. We have consanguinity with them! Plus, they give us gems like "The IT Crowd."


Your being British begs the question, what do the results of a US election have to do with y'all? I don't mean that in a rude way. I mean that in a way to express my understanding of it being an FML moment. I'd love an opportunity to chat with you, just to find out what British news sources have shared with the know, get an outside perspective..

The same reason so many Americans are obsessed with the British royal family. We have consanguinity with them! Plus, they give us gems like "The IT Crowd."

The US election is one of the most important events in the world. The US president influences governments across the globe. As a religious Jew, I wasn't particularly enamoured with Trump, but Biden will be an absolute disaster. He's already talking about getting into bed with the Iranians. Iran is 3-6 months away from having a nuclear weapon and despite what Obama would have you believe. they've been working on or for years, according to the IAEA. So, nuclear war in the Middle East with Iran, Syria & Turkey against Israel, UAE, Bahrain & Saudi Arabia. Great! Let's not forget that Biden doesn't even know what day it is. He has early stage dementia and will be removed from office within 6 months.

tounces7 27

Stupidity isn't limited to America.

I totally agree with that. My thought was that our collective stupidity is relatively inconsequential to the rest of the world. At least it is for every day life..

I'm having to slowly cut off my family. My mom is chinese american and grew up being called the N word and getting kicked out of public spaces in the 60's-70's. Her rational for buying into this crap is, "your generation is too sensitive, learn to deal with it." ....that's absolutely not what we want our son's growing up hearing...