By missclitter - 09/04/2012 18:18 - United States

Today, I was at the movies with my boyfriend, when I had to go pee. Halfway down the aisle, I tripped, screamed, and fell face-first into some guy. My boyfriend is now accusing me of cheating and "flirting" with every man I see. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 828
You deserved it 4 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How unfortunate, but how is screaming the same as flirting?

Whoever tripped you must be one Helluva wingman.


necessary mentioning that you had to pee?

Otherwise no one would have known why she had to go. Don't be stupid!

Well she had to explain somehow the reason she was wet on a guys lap hahaha :D

Well, you did literally fall into the lap of a random. You little ****, you.

perdix 29

It would have been more respectable if she selected a hot guy with a huge . . ., er, . . . bucket of popcorn? Random is slutty, I agree.

Well, obviously your boyfriend isn't very observant and he clearly doesn't trust you. Trust is very important in a relationship and if he doesn't understand that, this might become an issue.

He's just going to give you a hard time

He is not understanding...and sound mean.

lovebeecharmer 6

I'm sick of you girls putting up with assholes like him. You deserve it if you don't realize how manipulative he's being.


Well why would you do that??


You're think about the time the girl's legs fell asleep on the train and fell when she stood up, ultimately missing her stop.