Phone call anxiety

By Anonymous - 28/11/2020 16:59

Today, I'm making preparations to call a foreign embassy to try to get back a huge sum of money. A close relative was scammed out of it, it seems to be bouncing around a European banking system, and they are not capable of figuring this mess out themselves. It's not even my money, but I feel obligated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 727
You deserved it 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

This is the sort of relative who just gets scammed over and over again and never learns isn't it? Just let it go. If it doesn't end up in the pocket of that scammer, it'll just be another one who gets it. Or it'll be blown on a bunch of lotto tickets.

sorry to say that money is long gone, have to just educate ppl about scams. my friends moment fell for one and was in the process of allowing the access to her computer, he showed up and stopped it before anything happened. and had to get it looked at


Good luck, I won't worry too much. Worst thing that could happen is you end up right where you are right now.

sorry to say that money is long gone, have to just educate ppl about scams. my friends moment fell for one and was in the process of allowing the access to her computer, he showed up and stopped it before anything happened. and had to get it looked at

tounces7 27

This is the sort of relative who just gets scammed over and over again and never learns isn't it? Just let it go. If it doesn't end up in the pocket of that scammer, it'll just be another one who gets it. Or it'll be blown on a bunch of lotto tickets.