By Anonymous - 11/08/2009 04:06 - United States

Today, I was at the beach with friends and I fell asleep while I was tanning. When I woke up, everyone was laughing hysterically. I asked what was so funny, and one of my friends replies, "you farted so loud in your sleep that you woke yourself up." FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 555
You deserved it 7 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe_tomorrow 0

Nothing like a loud PARP to wake you from your slumber xD


_unwritten_xox 0

rofl great way to start my day off, nothing like a dam good laugh

I call shenanigans. Family Guy episode

curryndricegirll 0

ahahaha! this one is hilarious!

Probably smelt so good that when you unconsciously smelled it in your sleep, you salivated and woke yourself up.

KarinaLizeth18 5

oh that's icky haha!!! priceless

maybe_tomorrow 0

Nothing like a loud PARP to wake you from your slumber xD

sexy_mamasita 0

Omg that's horrible. I feel bad for you. Yea, nothing could of really been worst than that in public.

haha I added this to my favorites :'D

This is true, we need research though. Go

Yeah, this actually WAS on family guy on TBS last night. Brian woke himself up with his fart. Since this episode was on last night and this fml just happened it's pretty obvious it's fake.

Exactly. The episode was on LAST NIGHT!!! At least wait a few days, because Brian was the 1st thing that came to me when I read this!