By Lizofsmeg - 11/05/2012 05:03 - United States

Today, I was at my new boyfriend's flat. As I came out of the toilet he walked over, took my hand, looked at me and whispered, "You washed your hands. Good." in an extremely creepy manner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 219
You deserved it 3 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments


haha man, that's hilarious. You should be whispering in creepy ways all day long!

Imagine a mundane conversation carried out entirely in creepy voice. She: It's warm today, isn't it? He: Oh, yes, it is hot. She: I hope it rains. He: But that will make us wet. She: Wear a rain mac or use an umbrella. He: Yes, that will keep us dry. - Cue rain, lightning, and thunder. Both: Muahaha!!!

46- Yeah I totally read that out loud in the creepy voice... Laughter included.

RaquelW 7

"then it puts the lotion on its skin..."

It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again!!

Just turn it back around on him. Boyfriend: You washed your hands. Good. OP: That's not all I washed... Boyfriend: What do you mean? OP: I also washed my feet. Boyfriend: After peeing?? OP: Yessssssss!!!

italiancows 8

Wow, who washes there feet after peeing? Earh! I hate feet, they creep me out...


That's why it would be funny!

38-Two things: 1.) It's their, not there dammit. Is it really that difficult to differentiate the two? 2.) The 'washed my feet' part was a joke, dumbass.

38 - that depends how poor their aim is!

I'm surprised no one seems to be getting this. Damn.

Is it because you changed your photo? Lol... I see the hilarity....

Sorry Doc. On this site, I don't get it= thumbs down. I understood the joke, though. One thumb up to help you out of the hole!

I'm thinking Doc meant something about a foot job, a common fetish. If I'm wrong, this will be awkward.

Doc, I would like to apologize on behalf of everyone who thumbs you down because they don't get your jokes. Not everyone has a good sense of humor.

BlackBlazeCobra 16

Well good, you don't have to worry about him being a mess.

emstar828 4

Oh man, too funny. Sounds like some weird shit my boyfriend would say. Hes a keeper OP! & to the d-bags who said dim

Did he then ask you to go make him a sandwich with those freshly washed hands?

challan 19

Lmao I thought the same thing.

Cintia07 7

Some people do that & I don't get it! Next time give him the stink eye & say yes slowly. But laugh afterwards, it's the key, otherwise you both will think each other are creeps lol

ChickInGreenVans 12

i smell (pun intended) an O.C.D dude!! or he just has a 'queer' eye for clean hands!! Atleast you now know for sure that he washes his hands 0_o!!