By TooTallNiCo - 28/11/2009 17:36 - United States

Today, I was at lunch with my mom and we were talking about how to tell my brother that Santa Claus isn't real. After we finished our conversation, I heard someone crying. Little did I know, two little kids and their parents were sitting in the booth behind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 997
You deserved it 36 073

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Soo why are you going to tell your brother that Santa isn't real? Aren't people supposed to figure that out on their own?

iFerret 0

YOU MEAN HE'S NOT REAL?!?!?!? :'((


erikjg82489 0

you must have been pretty loud huh.

@#38: You have an odd definition of "most recent"....

sam_sam3 0

What he hell are you talking about? Santa IS real.

vampire_kitten 0

Ahh, I remember when I found out Santa wasn't real. I was four years old and I was going to the store with my dad to buy some groceries. When we went to put the stuff in the trunk, I saw the box and receipt of the toy that "Santa" had brought me that year. All he said was, "Whoops".

ElMundio87 0

Guess they shouldn't have been listening in on your convo then

I really have to say "So what?" Tell the kids to get over it.It's really not your problem. I personally find it really odd that kids nowadays still believe in Santa Claus,what,with the Internet and all that.

Brooklynxman 0

YDI for lying and saying Santa isn't real.

Aw, don't ruin it for the kid if he's really young. My friends told me he was't real when I was like 6, and I knew that was true, but it still made me cry when my mom told me.