By dork - 02/07/2009 04:42 - United States

Today, I was at dinner with my boyfriend and his family. We were talking about relationships, and I commented on how online dating was the dumbest thing ever. His mom and step-dad went on to tell me how they had met through an online dating service. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 867
You deserved it 50 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think online dating is kinda unsafe so I wouldn't use it.. But your choice is your choice guys! That must've been embarrassing though!

I met my boyfriend online! YOU ASS! *slap*


ElliexMarie 0

FYL . haha. i don't think you deserved it. it's only your opinion .

seb12992 0

Wow at all the fools saying YDI. Other people have posted FMLs saying they met someone online and it didn't turn out well, and those same idiots voted YDI for using "a stupid online dating service". Plenty of hypocrites on this site.

I met my boyfriend online! YOU ASS! *slap*

I think online dating is kinda unsafe so I wouldn't use it.. But your choice is your choice guys! That must've been embarrassing though!

Yes, because hooking up with random people you meet in a bar/club is so much safer.

NotNegativeNews 0

I'd see online dating as similar to meeting someone at a bar... and then getting their phone number. Not the same as going home with them after meeting them for the first time. It seems about the same risk to me. Or meeting someone ANYWHERE for that matter, who is not already a friend of a friend.

Given the amount of people who date online now... The statistical chance of you going out with some psychopath is about the same as just encountering them on the street, in the bar, or any other part of real life. Also, it's much safer online because any crazy person who you reject on the street is within reach to harm you, while people online are not.

I agree with notnegativenews. But OP my best advice for you is this: Think before you speak, especially if you JUST met these people.. Seriously. You can make an ASS out of yourself by ASSuming.

lovely997 0

Not FYL. You need embarrassing things like this to learn not to shoot your mouth off. So... LEARN!

We need people to express their opinions

You expressed your opinion, I personally don't see the problem.

Everybody has a right to their opinion. Which isn't to say their opinion can't be obnoxious.

Well it's okay to express your opinion, but it's kind of like "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.." When you talk to people you don't really know and say something that can be considered negative to others, well it's just a bad risk to take.

There's nothing wrong with disagreeing with online dating (I'm not a huge supporter of online dating either) but the way OP said is a bit careless. She said it was "the dumbest thing ever" which is just a really tactless way of saying it. The situation would have been fine if the OP had something more tactful like, "I'm not a huge fan of online dating."

There's nothing wrong with disagreeing with online dating (I'm not a huge supporter of online dating either) but the way OP said is a bit careless. She said it was "the dumbest thing ever" which is just a really tactless way of saying it. The situation would have been fine if the OP had said something more tactful like, "I'm not a huge fan of online dating." But then it wouldn't really have been an FML I guess... eh

NotNegativeNews 0

No worse than any other form of online friendship, or worse than penfriendship, or meeting random people at a bar... (Not to go home with straight away but to talk to another time)

Twin_Uzis 0

It's not an FML, you're exactly right.

Mulada 0

No, she's not. Everyone knows pooping into a firehose is the dumbest thing ever. But in all seriousness, nothing wrong with online dating. Not everyone meets in the same way.