By darn it. - 20/02/2009 16:16 - United States

Today, I was at a bar with a friend. A guy came up to me, took my drink and drank it. I laughed and jokingly said "now, you have to buy me a drink." He said "I would rather buy your friend a drink." FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 042
You deserved it 4 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think he likes you and was trying to bully your self esteem so he could have a better shot at getting with you. Doesn't sound like it worked. I bet the look on your face when he said that was PRICELESS though. Wish I could have seen it. Dust yourself off, you are probably hotter then your friend.

I know it sucks, but if I was sitting next to you and saw that happen, I'd be laughing. I'd stand up for you and probably buy you another drink myself, but I'd be laughing.


kick him in the place that hurts guys the most and move on :)

wow, that guy defiantly needs to get his balls punched.

wow, you also deserve to get punched in the balls. being an asshole isn't something to be proud of. I bet you have a fake tan and pop your collar.

don't feel bad, at least you're getting your friend laid.. again.. not you...... cause you're prolly ugly.

Wow, both you and your spelling are horrible.

lilhedz 0

perfect name fir this situation

I would say that you deserve it for using a bar for flirting, but that douche!!! FYL!

Maybe Ur pretty, Ur friends ugly and he was just drunk.