By caitiexob - 20/02/2009 18:42 - United States

Today, I found a note in my locker from a really hot guy asking me to prom. I went up to him saying how excited I was to go. He said "Oh you got the note?" and slipped it into the locker next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 297
You deserved it 2 624

Same thing different taste

Top comments

greenfairy_fml 0

aw, I'm sorry. high school sucks

wow...elementary school notes in high might wanna set your sights a little higher.


greenfairy_fml 0

aw, I'm sorry. high school sucks

wow...elementary school notes in high might wanna set your sights a little higher.

Dr_Phil 0

He is asking someone out with a note? Did it have a place for you to circle "yes" or "no"? Hella lame.

Snowstar 0

Haha, a note? Is he still stuck in elementary school? Something tells me he'd be a crappy escort anyway.

necomni 0

Haha, I've had that happen to me. But it was just a middle school dance so I didn't care. Sucks anout the disappointment though.

Did he even apologize? What a jerk! He's not even smart enough to put his pansy ass note in the right locker. You can do better, sweetie! :D

ahahaha what an idiot.... i agree w/ all these comments.. looks don't matter the most.. at all - what's inside does.

I got a love letter in high school that was SO compassionate and sexy. He found out that I had switched lockers with a friend of mine, and felt like telling me in front of all of my friends that the letter was definitely not for me. Don't feel bad, haha. High school is awful, but everything after gets so much better.

CanadAssassiN 0

Well if he just did it like that without even saying sorry or anything, he's too insensitive to be with you.