By Anonymous - 11/06/2009 13:24 - Australia

Today, I was about to go and take a shower when I saw a pair of scissors taped to the door at eye level with a note from my boyfriend saying "Time to trim that hairy thang down under." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 529
You deserved it 55 958

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least it wasnt a weedwacker attached to the door

Keep scissors away from your fun places. You might accidentally cut something.


ithedarkknight 0

no guy wants to be lickin your hairy kitty shave the monster you got a rain forest down there and u expect sympathy... i try to keep myself nicely trimmed and stuff because i would hate for someone telling me im to hairy in certain areas

Colby_Colbert 0

im sure he's dropped you plenty of hints. you definatly and honestly do deserve it. take care of yourself and trim the ******* bush!!!!!! jesus whats wrong with these chicks still stuck in the 80s

I was going to say the EXACT same thing as # 167. It's not like we already have a million places to shave/wax or anything... why not just add something else to the motherfucking list? And it HURTS to shave down there... Goddamn boys, cut us some slack! You don't shave your legs or pits... some of you don't even take care of your unibrows (which in my mind is a greater necessity than "clean" pubes). However, OP, trimmed is different than clean. How do you wear a bathing suit, if it's really that bad? Also, # 170, go back to first grade and learn how to spell, take a computer class to learn how to use the Caps Lock/Spacebar keys, and then maybe somebody will take you seriously. Even though, after translating your comment into English, I personally found that you were wrong. Maybe boys shouldn't demand so much. # 162, it's not smooth after you shave it at all. Okay, maybe for about twelve hours, then it gets all itchy and prickly... So you expect us to shave it everyday so... what? No one can see it, but you can feel it all "smooth"? Unless you're having sex every twelve hours... and good for you if that's the case! And someone, I think it was # 90, mentioned something about laser treatment... Well that shit is expensive and it hurts like hell! I think # 118 is the ONLY comment on here not participating in the pubic hair debate... and they are right also... XD

did it occur to anyone that the OP could be a guy? I mean, "thang" seems more appropriate to describe a penis... (not that using that word is ever acceptable)

1. It could've been worse. At least he didn't scream it at you while you were fighting 2. He taped scissors to the door. Not a razor. Yay no razor-burn for you! Just trim it a little, you might like it too. 3. He isn't really asking much. I bet if you ask him to trim his bush he will happily oblige. It's called "compromise." Look it up in a dictionary. 4. (This is aimed at #169) The only thing I really NEED a girl to do is shave legs, pits, and any facial hair. But I think just about all men (and probably all women) find hair in those areas unappealing on women. If a girl I loved asked me to do the same, I would try it. If I didn't like it, I would talk to her about it. I personally don't care if a girl wears makeup, does her hair fancy, or dresses in $300 dollar heels that hurt like hell. Stop blaming us for what society "makes" you do.

I meant #168. Sorry for double post, I just missed the edit comment link.

How do u have a bf with that hairy beast?