By Anonymous - 29/12/2016 02:38

Today, I walked into the living room to find my boyfriend plucking his ball hairs with the same tweezers I use for my eyebrows. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 694
You deserved it 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

**** the couch/ chair's life that he sat on top of while doing that. Seriously , the LIVING ROOM?!

WeirdUS 29

I look forward to the inevitable FML of the boyfriend posting about how much it hurt to yank out ball hairs with tweezers. Use rubbing alcohol the sterilize the tweezers and then open up a bottle of your favorite whiskey to use for brain bleach.


WeirdUS 29

I look forward to the inevitable FML of the boyfriend posting about how much it hurt to yank out ball hairs with tweezers. Use rubbing alcohol the sterilize the tweezers and then open up a bottle of your favorite whiskey to use for brain bleach.

**** the couch/ chair's life that he sat on top of while doing that. Seriously , the LIVING ROOM?!

Time to invest in some new tweezers, and maybe a label maker so this doesn't happen again

Who plucks their balls?! I don't know if I'm just a pussy but my balls are the one thing i would NEVER pluck that pain would be so unbearable.

I do when I'm bored, just pluck em out one at a time. It's not that painful.

I wouldn't mind. I'd just rinse them with alcohol or something like that and no big deal.

usnwife 18

Yup, tweezers wouldnt bug me. But the couch in the living room would!!

Your boyfriend must have balls of steel if he can pluck the hairs off them, like seriously wtf. I can't even imagine torturing myself that way.

That's nasty, on the couch? I'd make him buy me a new couch.

Gonna buy a new bed when they f*** on it, too? It's just hair and it's all over your house.

species4872 19

He's not the pheasant plucker, he's the pheasant pluckers son, he's only plucking pheasants until the pheasant plucker comes.

It's all hair, maybe just sterilise the tweezers, but unless he is leaving said hairs all over the couch then it's no big issue.

Aiden89 23