By MC Turtledick - 15/02/2012 01:28 - United States

Today, I walked out and saw four kids mercilessly keying my car. When I questioned them on it, they said "Oh, that was your car? Oh well at least we didn't pee on your door handles too." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 747
You deserved it 2 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Think I would be bitch slapping some kids.

thejewishfuhrer 17

You saw 4 kids keying your car, and your only response was to "question" them about it?


bendovver 6

"WHAT THE SHIT" royal rumble on those little bastards!

yourmofo 6

My form of "Questioning" would involving kicking their asses, or at least lighting them up with paintballs.

badmike89 6

The things I would do to those shitheads if it were legal make them sweat new paint job law suit mommy and daddy are going to be real proud of their kids

You do know if you seen them keying your car you have every right to lay a citizens arrest and call the police.. It's too late now you have to do it at the time it happens.. Fyl you'll know for next time

Where are kid's parents? Shame on them for not being more responsible. But then, I guess they are only partially to blame. Little pricks with nothing better to do.

imani132 6

Bastards. ???? I hope they're paying for new paint

So you just asked what they were doin? Cant you tell? Should have chased those kids down

Kcloudnine 0

Idd go after those kids no joke I wouldn't be asking some question Idd be knocking some sence into those kids