By Animal_aide - 07/01/2010 18:42 - Canada

Today, I got my car back from the repair shop. After paying $400 for them to fix the scratches on the driver's side door, some one decided to key both sides of my car while I was on my lunch break from work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 038
You deserved it 2 962

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if it was one of your co workers, I'd find out who it was and waste their car because that seriously sucks. FYL OP

cer184 0

$100 for a car? do you walk with a steering wheel in your hand?


that's why I never pay more than 100$ for a car.

u must have alot of haters or something lol

someone keys my car I'd go to their house with ab ak47 and an ARX 160

Girreth 7

67, Good luck matching up the keyprints.

starberries 0

And exactly how would you know who did it?

22cute 17

It's possible you're an asshole if people keep keying your car. Maybe you have control over that?

newsgit 0

it could be horrible damage, man. some one hates you, OP.

This, seriously. $400 for something that's merely aesthetic? Superficial freak. You're just as bad as the people who would spend that much on a single pair of ridiculously uncomfortable shoes. Cars get scratches. Learn to ******* live with it or start taking public transport. (Word to the unwise: trying to fix all the scratches on the subway will get you funny looks at best and arrested at worst.)

Besides the fact that it's her money and her car and she can do whatever she wants to them, scratches that go down to bare metal allow rust to form after a while which is more than a superficial thing. Besides why would you spend 35k on a car and not care about damage to it.

Kttttt 0

Scratches bother me immensely, I know theres a small one under the fin of my car, and although you cant see it without opening the trunk, it still bothers me. I did not spend that thousands of dolars on a car to not care if it gets scratched. Honestly, if somebody keyed my car I would cry, and Im not the type of person that cries.

if it was one of your co workers, I'd find out who it was and waste their car because that seriously sucks. FYL OP

if it was one of my co workers, I would call the fricken cops. The least they will be made it do is pay for damages

that sucks balls dude, hopefully karma will sort them out unless it was karma sorting you out.

yasmeenjonasx3 0

There was a similar fml about this where someone keyed in the words sorry. 

Hi, I'm Billy Mays and I'm here to tell you about the best product I've ever endorsed: the Fix-It magical scratch remover pen!

blland 0

there is actually such a product that is contains liquid vinyl suspended in an organic, volatile solvent that fixes those scratches, similar to what you described!

cer184 0

$100 for a car? do you walk with a steering wheel in your hand?

heatherrr17 19

Omg you just made me laugh so hard!