By Anonymous - 30/09/2013 23:54 - United Kingdom - Bathgate
Same thing different taste
By ohhdear.___. - 26/03/2012 14:54 - Canada - Hamilton
Home improvement
By ... - 27/07/2014 05:51 - United States - San Francisco
By tylerlove361 - 11/02/2009 05:30 - United States
By hair2daygone4ever - 14/01/2010 15:45 - United States
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By Fatty - 06/03/2010 13:05 - United States
By Anonymous - 23/12/2011 18:23 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/09/2013 21:40 - United Kingdom
So innocent
By Anonymous - 21/02/2020 01:00
Top comments
what an absolutely idiotic comment to make.
Self harm is becoming much more of a serious problem than people realize. The Internet has essentially glamorized it, which makes it seen "trendy" in a way, causing younger and younger children to get involved in it. It's so sad.
That comment gave me diabetes.
I had no idea kids this young self-harm! It's very disturbing. OP please get your daughter some help quickly. Good luck!
This is just down right scary ._.
It isn't "self harm" when they say they're doing it to manipulate someone. If she's 4 have a nice talk with her about being a liar.
if she is trying to cut her own wrist, regardless of the reason, it counts as self harm. both of these kids need to be talked to. let them see the effects of their actions, and do NOT agree to buy nice things to get them to stop. that is only teaching them that its ok to do that. just like if a child threw a temper tantrum in a store after their guardian said no to them, should they just give in and give the kid candy so people stop staring? no. that child receives no treats and you explain why what they did was unacceptable.
If someone came up to you and said give me your wallet or ill cut myself, you'd do what exactly? Id hand em something sharp and say cut away. Of course Its different with a child but in concept thats all this is. Manipulation is a learned skill, nip it in the bud if you can.
this is one of the saddest things I've ever read. children as young as two years old are being diagnosed with bipolar disorder and other serious psychological "diseases". it's never too soon to get her help and please have a serious talk with her as well as with the friend's parents
I honestly don't think that ops daughter understands the serious consequences of cutting herself. she doesn't say oh let me try to kill myself and because my parents don't want me to die they'll buy me things. I think its more along the lines of ooo if I cut myself ill get nice things. op explain to your daughter that cutting ones self can lead to serious and permanet damage, that you will not be buying her nice things if she continues and that she is only hurting herself. let her know you love her and maybe you should start practicing positive reinforcement. reward her when she's good that way she learns the difference
Same the trouble down the road and throw her in some treatment now!
Its still self harm, they're just not influenced by depression.
This is the most shocking, horrible FML I've ever read in my entire life. I found out about the concept of self-harm in 5th grade. It breaks my heart to know that there are girls that young already doing this. :(
I don't think she was genuinely trying to self harm in a way that meant she needed help, I imagine she didn't really understand what she was doing or what the consequences might be (she probably didn't even realise it would hurt). Help is not the answer so much as sitting down with her parents and a simple explanation of why that isn't a good thing to do, especially just to get pretty things.
This is the same as a kid saying "I'll run away from home if you don't buy me a Barbie." Kids are intelligent they will always try to find ways to get what they want. As I said in my previous comments, one of which was buried due to bleeding heart idiots, manipulation is all this is. She found out someone else could get away with this and get rewarded for it so she decided to try it. Be a grown up and put a stop to her BS before she grows up thinking she can blackmail people by doing this and ends up alone.
Society is ****** up. Kids should never have to think like that. Don't let your daughter play with that girl anymore and make sure her parents are told to get their shit together.
I have a feeling that taking her away from the girl would cause more trouble! AKA Whining
A whining kid is better than one who wants to hurt herself.
i find this very disturbing, having a 4 year old son i would be shocked to find him acting that way. definitely let your daughter know that it is wrong to do this! kids are growing up too fast nowadays, and being subjected to acts way beyond their years. poor girls.
I Agree. I have a four year old brother and I, myself, have self harmed for 5 years and I'd probably ball my eyes out if I found him doing this. This is so sad because as another poster said, society has glamorized it to an extent. Like other said, OP, please talk to your daughter (possibly get her help) and talk to the girl's parents (possibly cutting ties).
@33 I'd hope you are getting yourself help too not just suggesting others do. It makes me incredibly sad that people need to self harm.
I just relapsed a while ago but yes I'm getting a bit of help. Thanks.
You need to have a long talk with your daughter explaining that she will not recieve pretty things for this. Self harm is never ok and a serious issue.
The ideation of cutting at 4 years of age should be taken seriously. It's a little troubling that she even knows what it is at this age. P.s. I'm getting my doctorate degree in clinical psychology, so yes, I do know what I'm talking about...for the most part...for all you trolls out there.
But she doesn't know what it is. All she knows is that when Lucy did it she got pretty things. OP's daughter is just mimicking Lucy's behavior in order to achieve the same results. Most small children learn by mimicking others (It's perfectly normal). OP's daughter just chose an inappropriate behavior to mimic.
True, agreed. But saying that it's "inappropriate" is putting it loosely.
Time for a talk... And might wanna keep the knives a bit more secure.
It's time for a serious talk with your daughter and maybe a phone call to Lucy's parents, that is a serious situation. But at least you found out before things got bad!
Even two year olds have been known to engage in self harm. I would suggest finding a good doctor immediately though. And probably telling Lucy's parents they can't play until you do. Leaving this untreated will only end badly.

I had no idea kids this young self-harm! It's very disturbing. OP please get your daughter some help quickly. Good luck!
Society is ****** up. Kids should never have to think like that. Don't let your daughter play with that girl anymore and make sure her parents are told to get their shit together.