By Valedict-oops - 09/06/2017 00:00

Today, I walked at my graduation ceremony, proudly wearing my valedictorian cords. It turns out that, after some confusion on behalf of the student services office, I was neither valedictorian nor salutatorian (by 0.2 points). I'm dating the actual valedictorian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 372
You deserved it 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Actually, everyone thinks you're the valedictorian and that's really what is important. Your SO will be given the award rightly via email or in some dank office, but you got the glory when it counted!

Then give them congratulations and revel in being third smartest! Sorry to hear that OP, but you can at least feel happy for your partner!


Actually, everyone thinks you're the valedictorian and that's really what is important. Your SO will be given the award rightly via email or in some dank office, but you got the glory when it counted!

Droplet20 8

what is this valedictorian cord thing? not a native american/englishman...

The valedictorian is the student in the graduating class that has the highest academic achievement while the salutatorian is the one with the second highest academic achievement. They get to deliver the speeches at the graduation. The cords get worn around the neck on the gown I think.

When you go through a graduation ceremony, there are various accessories to the regalia that signify certain achievements or affiliations. There are cords, stoles, sashes, tassels, chevrons, hoods, etc that you'll need to decode.

Valedictorian is the graduate with the highest grade point average

LostInTheZone11 29

It's the tassels on the graduation cap. Different colors represent different things. (Valedictorian, various Honor Society memberships, etc.)

Then give them congratulations and revel in being third smartest! Sorry to hear that OP, but you can at least feel happy for your partner!

All anyone will remember is that you were the Valedictorian. Tell your steady, "If there's no pics, it didn't happen."

Bigfabthetruth52 22

Although that sucks,you're still in the very top 10 percent of your class. i wouldn't quite say that's an fml.

jeepguy83 14
Ntdm5791 3

So you are one of the smartest people in your class and dating the smartest person in your class? That sounds like you are on the right track and you should be happy for all of that.

This is not an FML. It is a display of insecurity and the need to find an audience to brag to.