Close but no cigar

By Degenerate - 22/03/2023 09:00 - United States - Bedford

Today, I learned that in spite of walking during the ceremony, my graduation was denied. That was nearly 4 years ago, and I never knew this was a possibility. I'd been a drop-out all this time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 687
You deserved it 172

Same thing different taste

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I’m baffled at how this is a thing. Isn’t someone supposed to check that the people who walked actually graduated??

The Universities I went to and worked at, all handed you a rolled up piece of paper and mailed the official diploma 2-4 weeks later.


I’m baffled at how this is a thing. Isn’t someone supposed to check that the people who walked actually graduated??

And even if your ceremony was before all your grades were finalized, wouldn’t you notice that you never received your official diploma?

It is not that unusual. Typically, a student may be missing one of the million boxes to check, and they let them walk with their classmates and in front of their families. But they know they are not quite finished.

Bigfoot73 3

Why was your graduation denied?

since you clearly didn't apply to college (they would have checked) does it even matter? your life clearly wasn't that affected by high school diploma you never had

This reads like OP just walked and was denied for something they did 4 years ago (obviouslynot the case). Which how do you NOT know when you apply for graduation as you compete your checklist? And, Why do you wait 4 years to post a FML?

Typically they hand you a diploma when you walk. If you got it then you graduated. If you didn't then you should have been asking questions.

The Universities I went to and worked at, all handed you a rolled up piece of paper and mailed the official diploma 2-4 weeks later.

Tsister 2

Dude how is that even POSSIBLE?!? I’m so sorry about that man