By smartgirl - 01/05/2009 23:48 - Canada

Today, at the awards ceremony at my school, I ended up winning the top achievement award in my grade. The principal spent at least ten minutes talking about my success to the audience, the whole time referring to me as a "he" as I stood right next to him. I'm a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 83 551
You deserved it 5 489

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you need a different haircut and start praying for them boobs to pop up.

fretforyerlatte 0

and no one bothered to correct him either? that's harsh.


Thespade_fml 0

Maybe it's the fact your smart he thought you were a guy. Take it as a compliment. Or maybe he calls everbody he?

persianjr1 7

it's a simple mistake!!! sheesh people

DownUndah 0

its not that hard to look like a chick.

fretforyerlatte 0

and no one bothered to correct him either? that's harsh.

Well, you should've said that "she" looked absolutely beautiful, as you accepted your award. :]

Sounds like a severe case of "man, woman, or beast?" to me. Nice.

Maybe you need a different haircut and start praying for them boobs to pop up.

Because it's so embarrassing you just want hide inside a shell and don't come out for six hours.

Haha, sounds like he'd rather be someplace else.

FaperPairy 0

Ahaha. You poor thing. It's ok, I get mistaken for a guy, too. (Which kind of makes sense, even though I'm a girl.) ... Though I guess it's not ok if you're not used to it. :(

Moo_Horse 0

wen i was little i ha short short hair, wore overalls, and was always mistaken for a boy cuz i wasnt very girly. but only from the back cuz i have a girly face

cadillacgal79 32

11-I think you look girlish enough to not get mistaken for a boy.