By RKE - 05/11/2009 02:12 - United States

Today, I went to our school golf banquet, after being with the team and practicing every day for a few months with them. When it came time to get the certificates, all the names were called out. Except for mine. When I asked the coach where my certificate was, he said "Who are you?". FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 612
You deserved it 3 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unless you were on the team, than that would be pretty harsh, considering your coach doesn't know you. As far as I know, seems like you just followed them. Doesn't make you 'earn' a certificate for going to practices for your own time.

Are you that kid who sits in the back of the class that everyone always forgets to pass a test to? You know, that kid who gets the "Have a great summer" message on the yearbook? And for the life of them, they can never remember your name? If so, I am sorry. *pat back* It will be okay buddy, it will be okay.


Unless you were on the team, than that would be pretty harsh, considering your coach doesn't know you. As far as I know, seems like you just followed them. Doesn't make you 'earn' a certificate for going to practices for your own time.

marshmallowmouse 0

I agree with #2, but a coach should definitely know who is at practice.

prinzessin_fml 0

fishy....maybe you are not really on the team....

It's pretty obvious that you did leave much of an impression. LOL Like #2 mentioned, you're wording is rather dubious, so I can't even tell if it's a YDI or an FML. Yeesh.

Are you that kid who sits in the back of the class that everyone always forgets to pass a test to? You know, that kid who gets the "Have a great summer" message on the yearbook? And for the life of them, they can never remember your name? If so, I am sorry. *pat back* It will be okay buddy, it will be okay.

jchansfan 0

LOL :D Sorry, its late. WTF?! better? ;) But then again, #6 has a point. "with" hmmm, suspicious...

Mx_Rider 6

fake,dgaf wat "anyone" says. nuff said later babes :p

Thank you for that coherent, well though-out response.

I'm willing to bet you lost your virginity before you hit puberty. Or, as you would probably say, yer a slag. nuff said later babes.