Gaslighting 101

By mommy issues - 03/12/2021 19:56 - United States

Today, my mom refuses to believe that she’s responsible for my anxiety and nervous bowel conditions. She has screamed and berated me literally every day since I can remember. She would burst into my room and accuse me of hiding someone in there, and constantly used her religion to bully me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 187
You deserved it 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry for the pain you're forced to live with, man. I also suffer from anxiety and depression. It sucks that most parents don't want to admit that they are responsible for their child's suffering. And using religion to justify harmful behaviour has been a well used tool for dicks worldwide. Not meaning to insult your mother of course, but can I be blamed? Try to get help via counselling. Exercise and medication may be helpful. I hope she sees the error of her ways and apologises before its too late.

justwanttobesocial...butalsonot 9

If you're able to get out of the house then get out of the house. If you're already out of the house, my biggest suggestion would be to cut contact. If she is willing to accept your boundaries after x amount of time without contact, then rebuilding a relationship is always possible. Wishing you the best, hope you're able to attain help and better health 💜


She sounds delusional. Her psychosis is causing your... ...wait on it... ...shitty situation.

I'm sorry for the pain you're forced to live with, man. I also suffer from anxiety and depression. It sucks that most parents don't want to admit that they are responsible for their child's suffering. And using religion to justify harmful behaviour has been a well used tool for dicks worldwide. Not meaning to insult your mother of course, but can I be blamed? Try to get help via counselling. Exercise and medication may be helpful. I hope she sees the error of her ways and apologises before its too late.

justwanttobesocial...butalsonot 9

If you're able to get out of the house then get out of the house. If you're already out of the house, my biggest suggestion would be to cut contact. If she is willing to accept your boundaries after x amount of time without contact, then rebuilding a relationship is always possible. Wishing you the best, hope you're able to attain help and better health 💜