By tessisue - 04/01/2016 11:18 - Germany

Today, I visited the hospital with my boyfriend to have an injury checked. When the doctor removed the band-aid, my boyfriend started screaming and passed out. I had to get him out of the room using a wheelchair. The "injury" is a cut in his finger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 867
You deserved it 2 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatguy240 27

Band-aids dont fix bullet holes.


YourOpinionSucks 22

As someone who has a few tattoos and piercings, I can tell you that it might not necessarily be the pain that set him off. Personally, I get light headed and nauseous when I see my own blood. Everyone else's blood is fine, something about seeing my own gets to me though.

The opposite can be true as well, I can stand to be in pain and bleeding everywhere without becoming even queasy. Yet at the same time I've nearly blacked out being with the wife while she got a piercing done.

Every one can have a phobia, some for blood , some for injuries and some for other odd things, it doesnt make the less human or in your view less manly. Phobia are irrational fears and are actually debilitating for the person who has them.

And people with blood-injection-injury phobias usually have a physical response that causes them to pass out.

Either he has some fears or he's a drama-king.

I'm gonna be the non-PC guy in this thread and say that the OP's boyfriend is definitely being melodramatic. 1) Why would a minor cut necessitate a hospital visit unless it has been infected? Typically, isopropyl alcohol will clean it and hydrogen peroxide will speed up the healing process. Then you can apply a Band-Aid and save yourself some money. 2) How bad is the cut? If he lopped off a portion of his finger and it required stitching, then I can understand partially. But yelling, passing out, and needing a wheelchair for what is likely the equivalent of a paper cut? Come on. Based on this, I would have to assume that the boyfriend doesn't do anything physical *ever* and overreacts to very minor things. OP is too kind; the guy is a pansy.

How does he react then if you get your period..

You don't have a boyfriend, you have a girlfriend

disasterlydeed 26

Some people just can't handle the sight of blood even when there is so little of it and/or it's their own. Also, cuts on the finger can sting like a bitch.

I'm more horrified you went to the hospital for a "cut finger".

dancerkatie95_fml 20

He sounds like a pussy to me...

went iffy when I had my dressing changed after I cut the end off my finger, but not this bad. How bad was the cut!?