By Anonymous - 08/12/2009 22:02 - United States

Today, I used the bathroom that the high school shares with elementary kids. As I was pulling my pants down, my phone fell out of my pocket into the other stall. As I was reaching for it, the little girl in the other stall took it and ran away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 502
You deserved it 4 666

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you go into a bathroom with elementary school kids? And, more importantly, did you catch her and mortally wound her? :)

keywestlov 0

aww thats depressing! i would've punched the little bundle of joy


Brilliant little kid!!! XD But I hope you still get your phone back!

You know what? That little girl probably doesn't even have a phone at home, and YDI X1000 for being an insensitive ****.

christen09 8
Chsvet2006 3
myhairynutsack 0

To whoever said it was probably a black kid (christen09), I saw your comment was moderated. You seriously need to grow up. Get to know people and you'll find out we're all here just trying to get through life the best we can. So just STFU and crawl back into the shithole you came out of. We don't want to hear it.

Calm down and take a joke. This is exactly what we're talking about.

I think she stole your phone because she saw that it had Clay Aiken music on it.

warrenpeace 0